The Friends of Laguna Atascosa NWR is made up of people like you who care about the Refuge and the incredible and unique diversity of plants and wildlife found here. We are conservationists, wildlife watchers, volunteers, birders, photographers, students, outdoor enthusiasts, ranchers, educators, nature lovers, anglers, hunters, business people and more.
Established in 1997 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our purpose is to protect, support and enhance the Refuge. The Friends of LANWR receive funding through memberships, grants, sponsorships, and donations, 100% of which goes toward wildlife conservation.
You can start by simply subscribing to receive our newsletter and notice of events. Create a login & profile telling us what your interests are. SUBSCRIBE |
Critical Needs Resources for supplies are often difficult to come by. The birds at feeding stations depend on our ability to feed them consistently. Tools and supplies to care for the gardens and the birds is always appreciated. WISH LIST Supporting the FRIENDS by membership insures sustaining funds for operations, events, and conservation needs. As a FRIEND you can get involved in all those initiatives and enjoy the company of your peers! BECOME A FRIEND Manpower is another critically unstable resource, consider volunteering. Positions are available with flexibility to fit any time you may have to give. Volunteer cleanups, maintenance, and gardening are a constant need. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS |
Make a Donation Donations are critical to raising sufficient funds to address the many needs at the Refuge. Donations of any size are welcome. Donors may also select where they would like their donation to be allocated. DONATION INFORMATION |
Adopt-an-Ocelot Program
Symbolically adopting an Ocelot is a great way to support the Ocelot program and makes a great gift!
ADOPT-AN-OCELOTShop at Nature's Nook Online Store
Visit Nature's Nook @ the Refuge Visitor Center
Save Texas Ocelots License Plates
The last remaining breeding populations of ocelots in the United States are only in Texas. You can help save these beautiful endangered cats and spread the word about protecting Texas Ocelots by buying this specialty license plate for an additional fee of $30 (the $70 fee is for personalizing the plate rather than using state issued numbers/letters). The non-profit organization, Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, will receive $22 from the sale of each Save Texas Ocelot License plate, 100% of which goes to ocelot conservation. We thank YOU for helping keep ocelots thriving as part of our Great Texas Natural Heritage.
If you wish to make a significant donation (over $1000), please contact us directly.
Land Acquisition Legacy Fund
This fund is set up to help us grow the refuge by purchasing land identified as key in creating a wildlife corridor in Cameron County and in connecting the patchwork of properties currently part of the refuge or in the process of being acquired. These properties are usually smaller plats but at risk of becoming developed rather than becoming sites for habitat restoration for many of the refuge's wildlife, including the Ocelot and the Aplomado Falcon. Smaller properties are generally not purchased by the various conservation groups that work with the refuge on land acquisition, and often the owner is ready to sell. The Friends can act quickly to close the sale. Land the Friends purchases will be subsequently purchased by US Fish and Wildlife, returning those funds to the Legacy Fund. This ensures an ever-growing capacity for the Friends to help grow the refuge. As of May, 2020, the Friends has purchased a total of 50 acres of key habitat which will soon be sold to USFWS. We are also in the process of acquiring another 47 acres of habitat in early 2022. You may enter the name of the individual or event and any contact information when you make the donation. You may also send an email with additional information or requests to: | Bahia Grande Fund The Bahia Grande Fund was founded in 2020 by the Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge with the goal to raise money for an overlook at the Bahia Grande Unit of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge. This overlook will cost about $15,000 and will be similar to other overlooks currently on the refuge like Redhead Ridge and Plover Point. The Bahia Grande Unit of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge is 21,700 acres located between Laguna Vista and Brownsville off of highway 48. About half the unit is a wetland and is named after the 6,500 acre Bahia Grande basin. History: The Bahia Grande Restoration Partnership was developed with more than 65 organizations to restore the degraded wetland. This partnership was recognized with the Presidential Wetlands Report in 2007 with the National Wetlands Conservation Award and Coastal America Partnership Awards. Overall, the Bahia Grande Restoration Project is one of the largest successful wetland restoration projects in the United States. The refuge is currently working on increasing public access to this unit with the goal to fully open it soon. DONATION INFORMATION |
Create your Legacy
Legacy gifts provide the foundation for Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge to fulfill our mission. These gifts allow you to take care of your family, provide for gifts to loved ones, and include a charitable gift for Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge.
The following is intended to help you and your attorney in drafting a bequest that satisfies your interests. As you consult your attorney on the selection of appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding the Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, be sure our organization’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as:
“Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge., P.O. Box 13519 Port Isabel, TX 78578 or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number: 74-2815350.”